Green Justice Indonesia (GJI) is think tank for action and research on environment and biodiversity in Indonesia. GJI was founded by a group of well renowned conservationists in Indonesia to promote environmental justice, biodiversity conservation and local community empowerment as an integral part of one ecosystem. Established in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia, in 2020, the GJI promotes a green advocacy programme to defend indigenous community rights and the welfare of forests and wildlife. GJI’s vision is ‘creating a better place for humans and wildlife in sustainable and healthy ecosystem’ with the following missions:
- To realise a community-based ecological justice, solidarity and knowledge.
- To promote advocacy for changes to environmental agendas, policies and practices in a broad sense.
- To enhance a just resource and economic system with a societal character and a sustainable environment approach.
- To assist stakeholders in monitoring the impact of climate change and Ecosystem services through performing biodiversity assessment including HCV and HCS analysis.
- To assist civil society and conservation agency to integrate community based natural resources management including of FPIC